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Nasya Oil

Bazaar Diamond

Banyan Botanicals Nasya Oil


In Ayurveda the nasal passages are considered to be the doorway to consciousness. This nasya oil containing brahmi and calamus, soothes and nourishes the nose to promote heavenly breathing and a peaceful mind.

• Promotes peace
• Soothes and lubricates the nose
• Promotes a soothing experience

Refined Sesame Oil+, Olive Oil+, Brahmi+, Calamus+, Skullcap+, Eucalyptus essential oil+. +Certified Organic

Tilt your head back gently and place 3 to 5 drops into each nostril. Sniff gently and deeply. Do not use if you are pregnant or have a cold, flu, or sinus infection.


  • Key Ingredients

Brahmi: Traditionally known to boost radiant complextion and enhance skin-tone
Refined sesame oil: ideal for massage due to its moisturzing, calming and grounding properties

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Nasya Oil

Nasya Oil


Nasya Oil

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